Wednesday, December 12, 2007

You are alive for a reason, I hope you dance

You are alive for a reason
There is a purpose for everyone here...

"May you never take one single breath for granted
Promise me you'll give faith a fighting chance
And when you get the choice to sit it out [on Life] or dance
I hope you dance "

Life is worth celebrating!

Click to watch the music video on Youtube...


J@n!ce said...

I see that you put up the X'mas Tree too. I've given u a pressie. Hope it can appear. Mine all disappear all of a sudden.. Cry :(

MakeTraffic said...

Thanks Jan for the present! Don't be sad. The widget has some errors. I will take down mine too if it persists. Cheers!

Juliana said...


I have simple tag for you. Check it out at :

MakeTraffic said...

okie Juliana, will check it out. Thanks for the tag. Cheers!

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