I join facebook with the intention of networking as well as experimenting on how to increase web traffic with social networking site like facebook.
I would like to share some insight on my effort on increasing web traffic with facebook. So here it is my 5 tips on increasing web traffic with Facebook.
First about Facebook.
It has:
- More than 55 million active users.
- average of 3% weekly growth since Jan. 2007
- New Active users doubling every 6 months
so there is no surprise that alot marketing agencies are looing at facebook for online marketing.
You can see the advertisement on the left panel once you are in the facebook.
5 tips on increasing web traffic with Facebook marketing#1 Create a group for targeted trafficBy creating a group, you can share, discuss specific topics and offer what just the readers or buyers wanted. This is a very important feature in facebook and i do not think marketers are using this feature enough. Alot of big companies are already realising this point and created group (company or product names) which is a good trend. There is a catch- be a friend first and be genuine. If not, you will find yourself with a group with no members. YRemember to invite your friends as group members and vice versa.
#2 Active PromotionYou promote your site or blog to thousands of users interested in your topic or what you have to offer. You can either post your message or promotion on others' wall or Discussion Board.. Catch: Please do not hard sell! Do not paste your blog or site url all over the place. If you are 'downgraded' as a spam, people in the facebook community will learn fast. Remember, social networking community are interconnected!
#3 It is all about NetworkingDon't be shy. It is all about Networking. Add friends regularly. I am not suggesting that you add 100 friends in a day (YOU WILL BE BANNED y facebook if you do that). The more Friends you have in facebook, the more network you have to share you concepts and products. Again, do not hardsell! be a friend first! Join other groups (especially the popular ones-you can judge by the number of members) to network as well as see how they adminster the group.
Once word of caution! Be very discrete about your personal information for you own sake. Because you do not know who is out there on the internet or social networking site! if you have a wall or Funwall application, remember to moderate it to remove any desirable content.
#4 Link to you site or businessA lot of people have fun in facebook and forgot about the marketing side of it. They forgot (or take a long time) to link their site, blog or ebay business to facebook. facebook IS a powerful marketing platform for business especially online business. If you have a facebook group, you can post your blog or business url there and begin to share on specific topic. With specific group, they don't mind the 'extra' information as they joined for a specific purpose.
An example of linkage. If you have a blog and you want to market it to your facebook community to increase web traffic. There are applications like My Blogs which take your RSS feeds and post it on your facebook profile for them to view. Many will then go to your blog to view more posts.
Since i started on facebook, i have constant flow of traffic from facebook.
#5 Target same area firstThis is the most neglected point. You should start to target those living in the same area as you first. If you are in USA, network and target your area first instead of Europe and all round the world. This is especially important if you have a local business and would like people to know and visit your store. You can then organise promotional events and invite your facebook members. Traffic from the same area is more targetted traffic for you if you are writing post that is cultural specific or you are only selling products within your region.
Hope you find the above facebook marketing tips useful.